Monday, February 9, 2009

No more class :-(

Syd called today to let me know that she's canceling her after school Web 2.0 class for the rest of the year due to filter password issues. Kathy and I plan to continue the program on our own but it was so much better to go learn at the feet of the masters so to speak! We'll miss our Monday afternoons at LHS Library but I guess that clears the afternoon for a new round of springtime dog obedience classes.

In the few weeks we did have class, I got hooked on blogging and have posted on both my blog and my dog Shiner's blog. I was inspired to coordinate my accounts with Twitter and Facebook. I set up a Dogster Page and a web site for Shiner. His site links his Dogster Page, Blog, Splash Dog titles and jump statistics, and his OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) stats for breeding information. I will be able to continue adding information there and anyone interested in using him as a stud dog will have easy access to all his documentation. I feel that I got a great deal from Syd's class and am truly sorry to see it end.